Friday, February 22, 2008

From the Depths of the Earth

Today we toured Georgia and Alabama, travelling extensively in them both states, well about 200 metres into each one before turning round and re-crossing the state boundaries. We also visited the Florida Caverns State Park in the town of Marianna. It is a limestone cave system that is open to the public. It was not sufficiently accessible for Sally, but I really enjoyed it. As part of a group we walked for some ¼ mile through a number of caves and chambers looking at all the normal limestone features such as stalactites (the ones that hand) and stalagmites, calcite curtains and pools. The temperature was a steady 64 degrees F, so it was quite warm work. Many of the areas were lit up and displayed very effectively. Marianna is also known as being one of the few ‘dry’ towns in the USA. There are also very few shops and restaurants, I wonder why.

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